Calculate Column Stability Factor for Wood Column

AWC 2012 NDS Manual For Wood Construction 3.7-1, Column Stability Factor.



Fc - Reference design value for compression
Emin - Minimum Modulus of Elasticity
le - Effective length of the column
d - Dimension of the face of the column
Cd - Load duration factor
Cm - Wet service factor
Ct - Temperature factor
Ci - Incising factor
Cf - Size factor
CT - Buckling stiffness factor
TEF - Time effect factor
Fc'(ASD) - the adjusted values
Emin'(ASD) - the adjusted values
Fc'(LRFD) - the adjusted values
Emin'(LRFD) - the adjusted values
Cp(ASD) - Column Stability Factor
Cp(LRFD) - Column Stability Factor