Calculate Weighted Curve Number For a Basin From the Curve Numbers and Areas of the Subbasins

This calculation is to be used for calculating the weighted CN for a basin area from the CN values and areas of its subbasins.


CN1 - Subbasin 1 curve number 
A1 - Area of subbasin 1, or percent of overall basin
CN2 - Subbasin 2 curve number
A2 - Area of subbasin 2, or percent of overall basin
CN3 - Subbasin 3 curve number
A3 - Area of subbasin 3, or percent of overall basin
CN4 - Subbasin 4 curve number
A4 - Area of subbasin 4, or percent of overall basin
CN5 - Subbasin 5 curve number
A5 - Area of subbasin 5, or percent of overall basin
CN6 - Subbasin 6 curve number
A6 - Area of subbasin 6, or percent of overall basin
TP - Total Product
TA - Total Area
CNw - Weighted Curve Number